I hope to take some time and give further insight to my selections but, for now, I wanted to share with you a web resource (found under the "Meditation" header) which my good friend Keith Scherer recommended to me this past summer and has been a tremendous encouragement in prayer over the past 4 months.
If you click on the banner you'll find an excellent resource for meditative prayer using music and Scripture which is provided by the Jesuits in Britain. The great thing is, you can podcast or download an entire week's worth of prayer and take it with you wherever you go.
Here's a description of the podcast...
Each file (one for each day of the work week) is about 10-13 minutes long. It begins with bells as a call to prayer and then moves to an appropriate piece of music to begin to focus on God. After a time a Scripture is read followed (with space) by questions for meditation. The Scripture is read a second time followed by further questions. Finally, after more space the prayer concludes with the Gloria Patri.
Some days are better than others but one of the things I appreciate most about Pray As You Go is that it gives some direction to my prayer times which is especially helpful during seasons when I'm not quite sure what to pray. I also enjoy the opportunity it provides to be still in the Word even in the midst of a crazy day. Here are a couple of sample posts that I have found particularly helpful just in the last few weeks.
10.07.2008 - reflection on distraction and worry
10.13.2008 - reflection on prayer
Listen...be still...and enjoy.
Morning Addendum:
Every now and then Pray As You Go will use music from a contemporary band for the meditation. Sometimes it works and and sometimes it doesn't. Usually, those are the podcasts that I personally don't find as satisfying as others. All that said, I find it ironic that the day I encourage you to check out this resource is a day that a somewhat mediocre rock song is used. So, at least for this morning, try one of the samples that I posted above as I think it's a better entré into the series.